Live your life forward
Looking backwards, fretting what could have been or what has been lost, is draining energies and holds you back to live your life in the...
Be your very own Chief Energy Officer (CEO)
Everyone of us has 24 hours a day at our disposal and it’s your choice how you spend them. Saying “No” and prioritizing what you do or -...
How the ego can rob your happiness
Recently I came across the following story that resonated with me deeply and I see it an easy to remember reminder how to achieve...
Is your glass half-full?
Some think of their life, their circumstances to be never good enough, never satisfying enough to be happy and content. Recently a friend...
Listen to your body
We are the CEOs of our very own lives and bodies - the Chief Energy Officers ;-) and to do a great CEO job, it's important to listen &...
Let your true self shine brightly
To kick-start this fresh new year, I share with you a powerful formula to bring out the very best of you in 2018: POTENTIAL -...
Dare to live with authenticity
Authenticity is a big word with a lot of meaning and naturally its expression differs from person to person. I believe that living with...
Change what you can change
My friend Anna shared with me the following poem - which can also serve as a prayer - to help me cope with the cancer diagnosis. While it...
Living beyond limits
Just recently, I found the following inspiring TED-story of Amy Purdy. When she was 19, Amy lost both her legs below the knee. And now...
Make your dream come true
I had a dream ;-) and I took all my courage and made it happen :-) and it feels absolutely invigorating, exciting, and yes: also a bit...