Let your true self shine brightly
To kick-start this fresh new year, I share with you a powerful formula to bring out the very best of you in 2018:
Just imagine, once you can get rid of all negative interference, then your performance reflects your true potential, your utmost authenticity! We might not be able to get rid of all negative interference but we are also not powerless.
- We can certainly tune our mindset and strip it from negative perceptions, negative thoughts, and also keep in check fears and doubts and curb the “I cannot do that”-attitude.
- We can also try to reduce the influence of negative people, people who drain our energies and do not bring out the best in us ....
And why? Because once we liberate ourselves from our limitations, these negative influences cannot pull us down anymore and the full expression of ourselves will be able to shine brightly. Then we are truly on the road to becoming the best version of ourselves.
Once I had a boss who seemed at first glance a great, inspiring leader but on closer collaboration, it turned out that he was only interested in himself, his own career progress and that he was not at all caring for his team. In meetings he made lots of promises and declarations but once he turned his back, he just left hot air behind. It took me some time to grasp the full situation and to also understand that I would not be able to change him or our relationship. So I made a conscious choice to get out of this role and into another team, into a different job area. Once I had started in the new role, the feedback I got was, "Vera, you got your mojo back!" I had not realised that this previous boss had had such a negative influence on me, that even bystanders had realised that I was not myself anymore! And I promised to myself that I would NEVER allow this to happen again.
So getting rid of negative interference is a conscious, liberating exercise that will be good for oneself and also be of benefit for those around us, in our private as well as our professional life, because it's the biggest gift we can give - our true self with all its uniqueness.
Take Care & Shine Brightly in 2018, Vera