The Secrets to Living Wholeheartedly
"There is a blessing in everything. The challenge is to find it." (Buddha) Cancer itself is not a blessing, but the insights and learnings that I have derived from living with cancer, they are. Early on, I have embraced the cancer challenge as my very own challenge to grow personally, to overcome fears and doubts and to live wholeheartedly no matter what hardships cross my path.
It has been a very enlightening journey and I am grateful for the experience.
I have captured my insights, my beliefs, my learnings in my blog and in my very own eBook: The Secrets to Living Wholeheartedly.
This eBook shall serve as source for inspiration and help all those who want to live their lives meaningful, fulfilled, happy and make the most out of it. The examples I tell, the enlightening insights I record, the beliefs I express are all very personal. I am well aware that it does not constitute the one and only set of wisdom. The beauty of my wisdom and my insights: it’s not rocket science and I provide inspiration & tips to simply make wholehearted living possible, no matter what.
So feel free to accept my gift and download my eBook right away - just click on the book cover.