Unlocking quality time
My life's motto is "live, love, laugh everyday" and its meaning has many facets for me.
When it comes to expressing love, there are lots of different ways to do it: by saying how much someone is appreciated and valued, by giving a hug and/or kisses, by expressing one’s love in writing, by giving a present, ..... last but not least: by spending time together.
Quality time is giving someone your undivided attention. It’s not about sitting on the sofa and watching television at the same time. It’s about undivided attention, listening attentively, opening up and not holding back.
I cherish quality time immensely and for example, most of my presents are around creating memorable moments. For example, we always celebrate birthdays with a family outing such as bowling, an outdoor trekking day, a special theatre performance, .... Last Christmas, I created a family quiz about Christmas traditions around the globe and on Christmas eve, when our 3 generations were coming together, we played it and laughed and had a great time.
Quality time has many facets. Coming together, face to face, is one important element. Another element is about having a meaningful conversation that goes both ways. And then it’s also about enjoying each other’s company. You cannot force quality time and the best intention does not bear fruits if one of the party is actually not at all interested in joining in.
So here come my 3 tips on unlocking quality times:
Create the kind of “togetherness” that is actually needed by you and the other one(s) involved: is a one-on-one conversation needed or a fun activity to bond, … needs and expectations might well be different, and 1 type of quality time will surely not meet all needs. More moments to come!
Dedicate your 100% attention and heart and brain to the other(s). Make sure that your attention is not divided nor interrupted …. 100% analog without digital gadgets is also a good tip ;-)
Listen actively to the responses of the other(s), to feelings as well as words and body language, and respond with empathy