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You never walk alone

When confronted with a tough problem, some default to the mindset that they are all alone in the crisis and feel overwhelmed.

My friend Nel gave this pebble as little present to me, reminding me that I never walk alone .... and this reminder kicked me out of pessimistic phases repeatedly by realising:

There are always companions out there who have a different perspective or expertise, caring and happy to help in their own personal way. It's about identifying who is most appropriate, and then reach out to this person in order to communicate what troubles you. Let yourself be helped, benefiting from the vast energy pool out there.

My intention is to incorporate the “You never walk alone”-mindset consciously in my “new ” life and especially also to my business life. By identifying who are the best companions to tackle a specific issue, I can learn from them and get their hands-on support instead of relying primarily on my own. I acknowledge that I am not a master in delegating and empowering others – that’s an area that I have to get better in to manage my energies going forward. More to learn & grow personally ;-) I like it.

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