The path is the goal
You might well know Mahatma Gandhi’s words: the path is the goal.
But what does it truly mean?
While setting goals and achieving them is important, it’s equally important to acknowledge the process steps in achieving your goals. While this sounds easy, I find it really hard from time to time. The following sports’ example helps me in this regard: Think of a tennis professional. The tennis pro’s utmost ambition is to win the tennis match. During the tennis match itself, it’s nevertheless more important to focus on every forehand/backhand and make each point – the win itself will come in due course. And what is true for the actual match, is also true for the training build up.
So life is a journey and we are always on this path. While progressing on our journey, it’s so important to pause and celebrate once in a while the big successes as well as milestones, recognizing the progress however small and insignificant it may appear.
Gandhi’s wisdom has really struck true with me when I found the following quote. Especially since the cancer experience, I have been able to feel the ecstasy of life in all its simplicity and glory. And it makes me so curious and thrilled to see & experience what the future brings next. Life is beautiful :-)