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Make yourself a priority

To stay true to my life's motto "live, love, laugh everyday" means that I go through life with empathy, caring for others but at the same time, keeping focus on my very own life.

You could spend your entire life focusing on others while they build their lives and enjoy it, and thereby neglecting yours. Be happy for them but put the focus on building a life for yourself, following your heart, your passions, your dreams.

I know from experience that cutting a path for yourself, can be sometimes really scary. I have come to recognize that whenever I feel scared, it actually means that I am going beyond my comfort zone and that it is the beginning of a new personal development, that there are new learnings out there to be conquered by me. With this in mind, I encourage myself with my Vera-pep talk, "Scary is good!" And I have actually never regretted the steps beyond my comfort zone.

It has a lot to do how I perceive obstacles and view difficulties in life. The challenges you face most times aren’t the real problem: it’s how they are perceived. So if you can manage your attitude towards the difficulties you encounter, you are able to overcome any hurdle.

So make yourself a priority - you are worth it :-)

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