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The power of words

We use words so often that we tend to believe that they are just that: mere words ....and so we do not pay a lot of attention on which words to choose to express ourselves, how we use them nor the impact they can have on others and our own life.

For example, I have actually never liked to use the word "problem" because for me its connotation is so burdensome, so much of a tough hurdle to overcome. Instead of speaking of a "problem", I deliberately prefer to speak of a "challenge" .... which ignites automatically my thinking of how I can approach the challenge, how I can win it over, what the solution could be.

Equally I really avoid the word "failure". For me, failure actually does not exist .... because if something goes wrong, then there is always so much to learn from, to do better next time. So why invest energy in elaborating on the "failure", when the energy is so much better spent on the learning and progressing towards a better outcome.

It's really amazing what a difference the word choice already makes in my inner-dialogue, and it's equally powerful when used with others.

When faced with the ordeal of chemotherapy, I also chose genuinely positive words. For example, I named the pill box that I got from the medical team to fight chemo side-effects "my magic box" .... because it really magically reduced the nausea and the vomiting. And the chronic Cancer Fatigue-intervals that practically paralyzed me .... I called them "sleeping beauty-phases" because from the outside I looked absolutely great but could only sleep and rest, absolutely without energy.

By actively trying to think of alternative words to use when communicating with yourself as well as with other people, it's amazing how you can reframe situations in a more positive light and generate fun and well-being at the same time.

When you are positive, it rubs off on people and you help to create a more positive atmosphere. And the same is true for negative words, negative vibes, negative body language.

Whether you speak positively or negatively, your words have power, they are like tiny seeds that grow into massive trees, branching out. So it's worthwhile to choose your words wisely and let your words then work for you :-)

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